Evaluation Report for Art Beyond Participation – BE PART
Beyond Participation?
Download the Evaluation Report for Art Beyond Participation – BE PART here. Summaries are also available in the 7 languages used across the network: Arabic, Dutch, Finnish, French, Italian, Latvian, and Slovenian.
Art Beyond Participation – BE PART was a 4-year project initiated in 2019 by a network of 10 EU and non-EU partners that critically explored the politics and practices of participation in the arts field. This document was written by Sophie Hope and Henry Mulhall, independent evaluators and researchers on the BE PART project and designed by Studio Hyte. Our report is the result of embedded, participatory research that has been happening across the network since summer 2020. As a network, we have learnt a huge amount from each other about processes of working together. This document aims to make that learning public. Following an introduction to our research methods and focus on five ‘Fieldworks’ we present our thematic analysis through a series of diagrams and a section on what we have learnt across the Fieldworks, organisations and network itself. We end with a series of recommendations for anyone involved in the messy processes of working together, as artists, producers, participants, mediators, and facilitators.
If you have any questions about the report please do get in touch with Sophie and Henry: cardsonthetable.cott@gmail.com.